
Monday, November 4, 2019

Shirley MacLaine Is Not Here to Make Things Easy - International New York Times

Mamadi Doumbouya for The New York Times

“What’d you think of me?” asked Shirley MacLaine. We had just spent two hours talking over lunch, and the 85-year-old was now giving me a driving tour of downtown Santa Fe, N.M., where she has had a place for close to 20 years. “Was I intimidating?” she asked. The legendarily acerbic actress is one of the last living links to the glory days of Hollywood, a Rat Pack associate and a star of classic films like “The Apartment,” “Some Came Running” and “Terms of Endearment,” among many, many others. She will appear alongside Bill Hader and Anna Kendrick in the upcoming Disney Christmas comedy “Noelle.” She is also an Academy Award winner, a notable eccentric and the author of multiple best-selling books exploring her belief in past-life memories, spirit channeling and various other paranormal phenomena. So, yes, MacLaine was somewhat intimidating, and I told her so. “Yeah, I get it,” she said with characteristic bluntness. “I’m me.”

I read that you’re a news junkie. Has that gotten more intense under President Trump? I’m addicted. If I miss the evening news, I feel as though I haven’t eaten. I watched every instant of Watergate. That was such entertainment for me. But with today’s news, I keep asking myself, What are we supposed to learn from all this? I think it’s a lesson on what we don’t understand about democracy and how much anger we’ve never recognized. I haven’t begun to understand the cyclical aspect of that anger.

I would have guessed that the cyclical nature of things1 was something you would have a handle on. You don’t want to get into metaphysics with me. You don’t want to do that. That’s very important and takes a lot of study. But so much of this cyclical behavior depends on what’s happening with money. Money is our No. 1 priority, and that’s a shame. Easy for me to say — I’m rich.

Have you ever met the president? I can imagine you two having crossed paths. Years ago. I don’t want to talk about him.

But did he make any particular impression? I don’t want to talk about him!

O.K., fair enough. One thing I was curious about was whether your New Age explorations affected your acting. I’m wondering if there was any ripple effect. Listen, David. I don’t know how to act. I do not know how to develop character. I’m not Meryl Streep.2 She’s the best there is, but I don’t want to do it her way. I had a revelation once when I was doing some A.D.R.3 work. I said to the sound guy: “I’ve just understood that I love watching myself act. I don’t want to be the character. I want to watch the character.” I’ve somehow done that. I haven’t got a clue how.

But there were stylistic shifts that happened with your acting, right? If you look at — Unaware of it. Totally.

MacLaine and Debra Winger in the 1983 film “Terms of Endearment” Everett Collection

I’m going to keep asking, because I think there’s something there. There was a fresh depth to your performance in movies like “Terms of Endearment”4 or “The Turning Point,” both of which you worked on after you got heavily into New Age thinking. So my question is whether that had an effect on your acting? Did that thinking help you grow as an actor? I have no idea. I’m not that aware of myself.

It’s funny to hear you, of all people, say that you’re lacking in self-awareness. You’ve written a bookshelf’s worth of memoirs. Deep awareness of who you are is different than deep awareness of how you’re acting.

Can you explain the difference? Well, I’ve become aware only in the last year that I’m 85. I never thought about what that means for who I am. I just notice little physical things, and I ask, “Why is this happening?” Then the doctors say, “What do you expect?”

I’ve noticed that when people write about you these days, and I’m sure I’ll wind up guilty of this, it’s usually through the lens of nostalgia for old Hollywood. Does that nostalgia obscure or distort anything about that time? Pass. Who wouldn’t have respect for the stuff I’ve lived through?

What might nostalgia mean to someone who believes her memory goes back thousands of years? Now that’s great. That’s a big truth, because people don’t remember their lives. Time is such a mystery. What makes it definitive? Not even Newton could figure that one out.

Are you still intellectually interested in acting? Listen, I’m still walking upright. I’m getting good parts. But the reason I love working is the crew. That’s a mini-civilization, with different points of view and attitudes toward work and time. Blue collar, white collar, no collar, money, critics, out-of-control emotionalism. All this goes on, and every bit of it is respected on set. I don’t care who the idiot control-freak director is or isn’t. We can’t do it without one another. Have I got an example for a successful civilization? A movie set.

What about when it doesn’t function well, as on “Terms of Endearment?” Oh, my god. Absolutely the toughest shoot I ever had. I ran into Debra Winger5 in the last five years. She basically apologized. It was in a restaurant, and of course, I didn’t know she was there. I was early, and my people were late, and the maître d’ figured I belonged at Debra’s table and sat me with her. But it was very nice, very sweet. There weren’t any clichés said, but there was — what should I say? — an acknowledgment of the past in a realistic way. I’m going to put it that way.

Alfred Hitchcock, Shirley MacLaine and John Forsythe on the set of “The Trouble With Harry” (1955). Sunset Boulevard/Corbis, via Getty Images

Other people you have acted with or for — I’m thinking specifically of Alfred Hitchcock, Bob Fosse and Frank Sinatra — have had their lives and work understood in a different contemporary light because of rough behaviors they’re said to have engaged in. What do you think about reconsidering people and their work in that way? Very good question. I honestly didn’t know what Bobby was up to. As close as I was to him, he never made a move on me. Never. And there was none of that with Frank or Dean Martin. I wasn’t part of any sexual innuendo. I was one of the guys. By the way, if I wanted to go and do some of the things I was seeing everybody else do, Frank and Dean would say, “Don’t do that.” They protected me. I think they were on some level attracted to me, but they knew better. It would have sacrificed the friendship. Now with Fosse, until I saw “Fosse/Verdon,” I didn’t know it was that obtuse with him. All this stuff was way over my head.

Did that have to do with any willful obliviousness? I don’t know, David. It’s a little late for me to be asking myself that question. I’m so used to being in a business where a pat on the butt is a friendly compliment. Nobody ever dared go any further with me. They were all scared of me.

Except Hal Wallis?6Yes. He stuck his darn tongue down my throat. That was about power. “You’re my new woman.” I slapped the [expletive] out of him, and he gave me an MG7 the next day. That’s the only time that I’ve really experienced anything like that, and I’m wondering now: Why didn’t anybody besides Hal Wallis do that? Why didn’t they dare? Because I was going to beat the [expletive] out of them? I wouldn’t have wasted my fist on their faces. I was in Hollywood at 18 years old, for God’s sake. I came and worked for Hitchcock. He didn’t do things with me that I’ve heard he did with other women.8 But I wasn’t blond and thin and ethereal.

How important is your acting career to you in terms of understanding the story of your life? It all fits with my belief that life is theater. Aren’t we all actors? Shakespeare was right.9 And who was this guy, Shakespeare? His insights were so precisely understandable. How did he know all this?

Have you worked in film with someone you considered a genius? Meryl. Peter Sellers. Peter had a leak in his aura. Therefore, he was remembering all these past life experiences and could use them to become his characters in performance. During “Being There,”10 he believed he was Chauncey Gardiner and I was Eve. He believed he was in love with me. We had been jet-set buddies; I used to hang out with him and Peter O’Toole whenever I would go to London or Paris and stay up for three nights. I would make sure they didn’t fall down drunk. But then when we did “Being There,” Peter became his character totally, and we never even had lunch together. My buddy had turned into Chauncey Gardiner. What an experience. I remember that Larry Olivier — who’s the guy who played my husband in “Being There”?

MacLaine and Peter Sellers in 1979’s “Being There.” United Artists/courtesy Everett Collection

I think it was Melvyn Douglas. Before he got the part, they offered it to Larry Olivier. Larry called me and said, “I’m not doing this film because of the masturbation scene.” “Oh, bull. Come on, Larry!” That’s why he didn’t do it.

I’ve never heard that story. Do you have another Hollywood story you can tell me? Don’t do that [expletive]. If one occurs to me, I’ll say so. I have a lot of them.

And you won’t tell me one? Now I’m not.

That’s not fair. Yes it is.

“Fair” is the wrong word. You’re really going to be punitive and not tell me a Hollywood story, even though you just told me one and said you have others to tell? That’s the way it is. You know better.

All right. Let me ask about your books. I think one thing that connects them is that on some level they’re all adventure stories. Adventures of curiosity.

Right. I know you’re working on another book. At 85, what adventures do you still want to have? I would like to live on a game farm and study the animals. How do they get along? One of the hardest things to watch is killing. And yet, of course, nothing dies. Did you really read all my books?

To be honest, only seven. Which ones didn’t you read?

It’s easier to say the ones I did. “Don’t Fall Off the Mountain,” “Out on a Limb,” “My Lucky Stars,” “Dance in the Light,” “What If...,” “Dance While You Can” and what’s the one about filming a movie with Jessica Lange and Demi Moore that’s also a lot about Atlantis? I read that too. I don’t remember the title.11 Memory is an interesting thing. You remember more of the older things than the recent things. But in my case, I’m not remembering childhood stuff. I’m remembering other lifetimes’ stuff. My life has been so magical. It’s been entrancing. I’ve done basically everything I wanted to do, except live on a game farm.

MacLaine during a book launch party in London in 1971. Express Newspapers/Getty Images

When you describe your life as “entrancing,” how much of that quality is a result of the choice to interpret events in a way that someone else might interpret more mundanely? Oh, you’re talking about reality. Who knows what reality is. I’ve got my version, obviously, and they call me batty.

Who does? New York Times journalists.

I didn’t call you that. No, you know better.

What does your brother12 think of your curiosity? There’s a difference in us. But we both have a good sense of fairness, and we’re very involved with education on many levels. Remember, our dad was a superintendent of schools in Rappahannock County in Virginia, and our mother was a teacher. I like to educate people on the potential power of what we can’t see and can’t prove. My brother likes to educate people on what they can learn from demanding proof. He is much more right-brain than I am. He thinks it’s all my imagination.

Could he be right? Well, he lives in the world of imagination too. So he can go ahead and think that. But a lot of his younger friends are wisening him up.

There does seem to be more acceptance on the part of younger people for New Age ideas that used to be considered way more fringe. What has changed? They know there’s more to life than you can prove. Remember, life is theater. We’re all worried about how we’re playing our parts. We’re all worried about how we are going to be perceived.

How do you want to be perceived? I’m not sure I do.

Why would you have written those books about past-life experiences if you didn’t want to be perceived as someone who is open to and has had those kinds of experiences? In order to express myself. That’s different than judging your perceivability.

Do you feel as though your books fit into any literary tradition? I see a book like “Out on a Limb” as in line with stuff by Carlos Castaneda or Richard Bach or other big New Age writers from the ’60s and ’70s. Did you have them in mind at all when you were writing? No. I didn’t even know how to read. But knowing how to read doesn’t have that much to do with knowing how to write. If I’d known how to really read those wonderful expressive tomes, I would have been intimidated. Naïveté is a huge weapon.

Do you still have metaphysical experiences? Yes. I’m guided. Even with traffic, something tells me: “Don’t go that way. Go this way.” Is that me? Is it my higher self? I’ve noticed one thing: I don’t know if it’s just my being unaware, but when I have a negative experience, I never feel like the victim. I feel like a student. “Get your act together,” it says to me. “Learn from it.”

What did you learn from your daughter’s memoir?13 It was pretty scathing. Please. She had such a good life. How she handles my fame and how she handles her non-fame is a mother-daughter thing.

Earlier you raised the idea of life as a performance. What are you trying to communicate with the performance you’re giving? I’m a life improviser. Listen, Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra were like that. That’s why I loved being with them. They loved it when a mistake happened and they could be themselves and reveal who they were. They were human beings who loved the spontaneous judgment of the audience. It kept them honest. That’s why they could sing the same songs all the time and make it different depending on who was in the front row.

Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Shirley MacLaine publicity portrait from the 1958 film “Some Came Running.” Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/Getty Images

Did Robert Mitchum see life as performance? Come on. Do you believe his chain-gang story?14 Are you kidding me? He was brilliant, though. He could read a script quickly and then remember it back to you. He was absolutely brilliant and didn’t want anybody to know.

Because brilliance comes with expectations? Yeah. He was very sensitive. One of the things about him that was so attractive to me was that I couldn’t figure him out. Which gave me something to do.

Was your romantic attraction to people often connected to a desire to figure them out? Absolutely. Including you.

You’re attracted to me? No. But I am trying to figure you out.

What have you got so far? You’ve got very good concentration. What’s your wife like? Or is it a man?

Do you get a kick out of giving me a hard time? I did that?

A little. I wasn’t aware. I’ve enjoyed this very much. I’m sorry if I made you feel that I was baiting you. Oh, my God, no.

I think maybe you get a little kick out of it. I wouldn’t say I got a kick out of giving you a hard time. I get a kick out of insisting that people look deeper. If that’s a hard time for you, then fix it.

Maybe in my next life. Have you got any clues about what your next life will be? I don’t, and I’m not interested. First I’m going to take a rest.

David Marchese is a staff writer and the Talk columnist for the magazine.

This interview has been edited and condensed from two conversations.

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Shirley MacLaine Is Not Here to Make Things Easy - International New York Times
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